LSCC has been and gone and was a fantastic event!
I managed to network with some great people, pick up some superb books and have a brilliant weekend.
The work load has doubled since then and I am currently asking offers to wait until September before starting new productions... wow!
One of the projects I am scheduled to be working on is INTERCEPTOR for Unstoppable Comics!
This character is from the UK with his origins based firmly in British folk lore. But of course it has a contempory feel as well as being great fun.
It's written by Brandon Easton (Transformers) and coloured by the ever present talent of Mike Summers.
The Kickstarter campaign for the project can be found at the link below.
Please share or even back us - It will be a great book and Unstoppable is a publisher you should have in your collection!!
I will be posting again soon about several other projects currently in production. Till then a page from another book by Untoppable soon to be released...