Monday, 23 April 2012

Just in time!!

Last year I had the pleasure of producing linework for Eric Mullarky over at NewBaby Productions to the fantastic script by Jason Quinn (Ben10 and Marvel).

Anyway, the graphic novel I worked on was called the Chronic Argonauts and was based on the works of HG Wells as well as his story of the same name. If you've read the blog or visited you'll be familiar with it.

Jason managed to expand and improve on the masters original brief tale that preceeded all time travel stories based around a time machine or science fiction premise.

Well the story is about to be launched on Android and the app is being produced now.

The minimum funding has been achieved but there is still time for people to help fund this great project.

Not only that, because of the great model runs investors will actually profit from their investment - not just receive great perks.

So head on over to H.G.-Wells--The-Chronic-Argonauts at and see if it tempts your entrepenuerial spirit!

Thanks in advance to anyone who decides to join the journey :)

Here are some pages to whet the appetite.

Friday, 20 April 2012

Cover to cover

After seeing some great colour work from Mike last week on the StormChasers cover I got around to doing linework for StormChasers 6 this week.

I managed to get the cover done in between a barage of other work - groan. But once finished I was able to enjoy producing the next issues cover.

Also Mike managed to finish off some wonderful colour pages for Spectral Detective which will soon be lettered and ready for submission.

Big shout out to Jay at Unstoppable Comics - he's at the Boston Comic Con with the debut of Dragonstorm - Good luck Jay - I have a good feeling about where it's all going :)

Now.. the cover

Monday, 16 April 2012

Storm Chasers Cover

Over the weekend I had a surprise.

I got hold of Mike Summers fantastice work on the optional cover for StormChasers 5 and my first appearance in the series on pencils/inks.

He's done such a great job - it's so cool to see my lines bought to life like this

big smile :)

Friday, 6 April 2012

Downtime - what a bummer!

Ok - this week was pretty much a right - off!

Pulled a back muscle Monday morning and spent till Wednesday incapacitated - bummer!.

It's just starting to feel better now and I have been able to get back to StormChasers production today.

On the plus side Jay at Unstoppable Comics has confirmed that he would like me to not only continue on the series but take it into the future, which I am thrilled at and I had a nibble at another couple of projects this week also.

I'd like to just ask everyone reading this to spare a thought for the legend that is Rusty Gilligan. He will be going in to hospital next week and hopes to have some long term issues sorted. Good luck Rusty and get back to that ink well soon :)

ink well... soon.. see what I did there ;)
anyways... all the best Rusty!

So whilst I am getting on with the next StormChasers here is a pic of the amazing Marvelman that I posted for some fun on down the tubes - the link will take you to a gallery with some great art from other forum members!