Friday, 25 November 2011

Well that week went by far too quickly. The days just seem to fly by.

I got my kids presenting me with Christmas lists, the TV telling me it's getting close to that time where I simply must buy "stuff" and the internet telling me the world will end tomorrow.

Life goes on...

As does work.

Had lots to do this week. I've been fortunate enough to work with Pat Higgins of Jinx Media this week. He, Chris Garrard (a fabulous sculptor) and myself are involved in some creature effects for his next movie. More on that soon.

Also I've been back with the Ash & Moose characters at Ashdown Music - again some pics of that work will be up soon.

In the meantime, Red Angel production is still in full swing and I finished the panel for this weeks pic last night. I had fun drawing this one and the action dial has certainly been turned up by Erin. Can't wait to do the monthly now :)

So here it is

It's going to be murder trying to get a glazier to fix that one!

NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)

Friday, 18 November 2011

Pick of the week 30

I have literally just finished this panel - hot - in fact screaming hot of the tablet!

I thought that Victoria's faithful first mate, 2458, needed some love. Robot love you understand - nothing strange :)

This panel I think shows 2458's softer side - opening a door for a lady!

"Yes.... M'lady"

NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)

Monday, 14 November 2011

Batman - splash page 1

Fresh on the heels of my last post - I have just completed a Batman piece.

I will be returning to the Gears of War theme soon as well as some Halo as well!

In the meantime here is the latest...

Batman - Night Sky

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Gears of war - splash page 1

Ok... I thought I'd start doing some new splash page /pinup art and decided to start with some Gears of War characters.

I'll also be doing some super hero and sci-fi pieces along the way.

When I'm in the middle of book schedules there isn't a lot of time for this sort of thing but I feel I must try to make time so I can draw lots of varied characters and scenes.

So first off is Theron Unmasked from Gears of War.

Friday, 11 November 2011

Pick of the week No 29

Color makes such a difference to pages!

It's true that bad inking can ruin good pencils and bad colors can ruin good lines. However no amount of great inks or talented colors can make bad pencils good. All the elements must work in unison - with an equal partnership and responsibilty to create the best page possible!

For a page to shine the line work must be brought to life by the colors... and that is exactly what I've seen Mike Summers do with the colors on Red Angel.

This week I saw the first batch of colors to come back from Mike for issue 3 of the mini-series and it blew me away. Nice one Mike!

So this week's Pick is a whole page that is showing straight forward line work PLUS mikes colors. I really want to do a 'scamp-to-final-page' study at some point but I'm waiting for the right example. In the meantime enjoy Mike's color work and look forward to seeing issue 3 :)

On a related note we have, this week, teamed up with Shel Dorf Award winner Jeff Balke who will be producing the colors for a Red Angel cover variant for Issue 4!

I'm seriously looking forward to seeing what he does with my line work!

So here this weeks pic...

"There will be a large explosion!"

NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)