Saturday, 30 July 2011

BBBlackDog Graphic Novel - Comic Short

Dale Rowles, lead base player and thoroughly nice bloke, from the magnificent steam punk rock band BBBlackDog, approached me about production of their next album's cover artwork and a related comic book to go with it.

I of course jumped at the chance :)

The work is scheduled to be completed around the end 2011 / early 2012, but in the meantime here is the first stab at the character roster.

Colour version soon - and updated depending on the bands input....

visit the bands facebook profile at

Pick of the week No 17

Pick of the week went on hiatus last week. This was mainly due to my Wacom tablet giving me some driver woes :(

But that's all sorted now and I can show the panel I wanted to.

I have teamed up with a very talented writer Alex Williams for a single page story 'Pale Horse'.

The piece was for a worthy cause over at Invest Comics. Their CBLDF fund raiser book 'One And Done' will feature single page stories about Death. Sounds a bit depressing but... writers like Alex can turn this to their advantage and create magical tales.

You can find out more about the project at...

Bless... Death looks happy today :)

NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)

Friday, 15 July 2011

Pick of the week No 16

Once again another week has passed insanely fast! But it has been a great week.

And this weeks activities are indeed linked to the pick of the week.

Red Angel issue 3 is now underway and the I pencilled the cover so that a very special guest inker could grace us with his expertise.

Rusty Gilligan who has worked on too numerous a number of amazing titles for me to list here, will be inking RA3 front cover. So for this weeks pic it's gonna be the blue line version and next week I'll upload Rusty's finished inks.

What a treat :)

Red Angel #1 is on sale at and Red Angel #2 is available on Pre-order.

Rusty's blog can be read here

NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

The Chronic Argonauts at Detroit Fanfare

The Chronic Argonauts Editor  and New Baby's Owner will be at the Detroit Fanfare in September. New Baby will have posters and pre-published first chapter special editions available at the con.

So pay him a visit if you can and see some of The Chronic Argonauts before it's release!

You can find out more at and

Friday, 8 July 2011

Pick of the week No 15

Another week rolls by and this time it heralds the end of my line work contribution to Red Angel issue #2. I now have a script for issue 3 in the mini series and am thouroughly enjoying the trip:) - So for this weeks pic it's a panel from the final page of issue 2.

What are they all so perplexed about?

Best start collecting the series to find out :)

Red Angel #1 is on sale at and Red Angel #2 is available on Pre-order.

NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)

Friday, 1 July 2011

Pick of the week No 14

Well the week just flew by and it's been all about the Red Angel series.

Line work for issue #2 will be completely finished in the next couple of days and then it's on to finishing the series with issues #3 and #4 - really looking forward to the art work on that :)

In the meantime this weeks panel is a speacial -  it's three panels!

From issue #2 - it looks like the robots are waking up!

Find out more about Red Angel and what the flux comics at

NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)