Friday, 24 June 2011

Pick of the week No 13

sniff - wipes a tear from his eye.

As foretold last week I am indeed on the very last page of line work for the Chronic Argonauts graphic novel - and it's a bit sad :(

On the upside - the colour work and lettering is looking fantastic and Eric has signed up with a seriously impressive Literary agent. So fingers crossed for a great publisher - and fingers even more crossed I get to do a second book :)

In the meantime... this won't be the last panel I post but it is the last panel I post whilst in production. I'll miss you guys... until you return.

More information about 'The Chronic Argoauts' can be found at

NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)

Friday, 17 June 2011

Pick of the week No 12

Well it's all getting a bit emotional for me this week. You see next week will see the final pages of linework for "The Chronic Argonauts" graphic novel. Although I will continue to work on expanding it with Eric Mullarky as a property my part of the artwork will be complete.

So this weeks pick of the week is a panel from part two where two of the main characters have their first, rather awkward meeting.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Eric for an extremely well crafted project. Working with him has been a delight and I hope to continue working with him and the Chronic Argonaut property for a long time. Also I'd like to heap well deserved praise on the other members of our creative team.

Jason Quinns writing has been brilliant. From the plot and character development right down to his script writing abilities and how that has helped the art process. Thanks Jason! I hope to be working more with Jason as well.

Colour wise Tyler Smith has done a fantastic job of bringing the linework to life. Last but definately not least, Charles Pritchetts work on the lettering has added a really slick finish to the final product.

That's enough babbling from me... here's the panel.

More information about 'The Chronic Argoauts' can be found at

NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)

Friday, 10 June 2011

Pick of the week No 11

Wow that week just flew by!

Gonna use something from a very recent page this week.

Neb and Cookie look on awestruck as a character is removed from existence right in front of their eyes! No more info than that I'm afraid as the book is close to a finish now and will be published soon :)

"Where on earth did they go?"

More information about 'The Chronic Argoauts' can be found at

NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)

Monday, 6 June 2011

The Chronic Argonauts Teaser Trailer

A great guy called Jonny Ledford got me in touch with a friend of his. The very talented Rob Ridenour. You see we wanted to make a trailer for the graphic novel for various uses and Rob did us proud (thanks Rob).

For all those steam punkers and sci-fi lovers out there this is the grandaddy of all time travel tales. 120 years after the master of science fiction H.G. Wells penned the short story and now New Baby Productions has filled in the gaps and vastly expanded upon the original premise.

You can see the trailer on or alternatively it will be up soon at and of course right here at the kre8uk production blog.

We hope this taster gets the pulse racing and whets the appetite for the release sometime in the late summer 2011.

Friday, 3 June 2011

Pick of the week No 10

This week I had the great honour of being able to draw some lines for Rusty Gilligan on his new strip 'Mac And Trouble'

He has also asked me to work on a sketch card set which I may post with his permission at some time in the future.

This weeks pick is just a portion of the page I produced as I wouldn't want to give too much away prior to Rusty inking the piece.

Great characters and fun to draw - thanks Rusty!

You can see more at

NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)