Well pick of the week took a little break and has come back with what is the last of the series :(
Many reasons for this but mostly because everything I am now working on is TOP SECRET and so I am having trouble providing content week on week.
So instead I will show multiple items and talk about multiple projects on a regular basis plus I think more random blogging is required.
The start of this week sucked in a big way and ended pretty well so all in all things are looking good!
Red Angel has finished the black and white production and is looking to be produced as a graphic novel once the four issue are completed.
I'm collaborating with Kevin Gunstone of Image Comics 'The Agents' fame and looking forward to showing some of that work next year!
I'm also talking to a British publisher about signing up with them the name of which I will make public once the contracts are signed.
I have a hand in a Jinx Media movie and have a chance to work on some great retro characters (more to come next year on that one)
2011 has been a bit weird but very entertaining and I've managed to work with and befriend some great people, so a big Christmas wish to....
Dan Gooday at Ashdown Music
Erin, Deb and of course the mighty Larry (Spike) Jarrell at What The Flux
Eric Mullarky at New Baby Productions
The delightful Jason Quinn
The magnificent Rusty Gilligan
Alex Williams for a great piece for One And Done
Pat Higgins of Jinx Media
Chris Garrard for his brilliant sculpting
The wonderfully talented Jonny Ledford
So 2012 - new year new opportunities - lets hope for a brighter year than this one!
I've already posted this weeks pick in a few places but I
thoroughly enjoyed producing it and thought I'd post it in the final
panel entry. It's not a panel it's a pinup but ya gotta luv the Hulk :)
So last blog post of the year 2011...
Happy holidays, Merry Christmas and a peaceful prosperous new year to all!
Hulk smash!!
Friday, 16 December 2011
Friday, 25 November 2011
Well that week went by far too quickly. The days just seem to fly by.
I got my kids presenting me with Christmas lists, the TV telling me it's getting close to that time where I simply must buy "stuff" and the internet telling me the world will end tomorrow.
Life goes on...
As does work.
Had lots to do this week. I've been fortunate enough to work with Pat Higgins of Jinx Media this week. He, Chris Garrard (a fabulous sculptor) and myself are involved in some creature effects for his next movie. More on that soon.
Also I've been back with the Ash & Moose characters at Ashdown Music - again some pics of that work will be up soon.
In the meantime, Red Angel production is still in full swing and I finished the panel for this weeks pic last night. I had fun drawing this one and the action dial has certainly been turned up by Erin. Can't wait to do the monthly now :)
So here it is
It's going to be murder trying to get a glazier to fix that one!
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
I got my kids presenting me with Christmas lists, the TV telling me it's getting close to that time where I simply must buy "stuff" and the internet telling me the world will end tomorrow.
Life goes on...
As does work.
Had lots to do this week. I've been fortunate enough to work with Pat Higgins of Jinx Media this week. He, Chris Garrard (a fabulous sculptor) and myself are involved in some creature effects for his next movie. More on that soon.
Also I've been back with the Ash & Moose characters at Ashdown Music - again some pics of that work will be up soon.
In the meantime, Red Angel production is still in full swing and I finished the panel for this weeks pic last night. I had fun drawing this one and the action dial has certainly been turned up by Erin. Can't wait to do the monthly now :)
So here it is
It's going to be murder trying to get a glazier to fix that one!
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Friday, 18 November 2011
Pick of the week 30
I have literally just finished this panel - hot - in fact screaming hot of the tablet!
I thought that Victoria's faithful first mate, 2458, needed some love. Robot love you understand - nothing strange :)
This panel I think shows 2458's softer side - opening a door for a lady!
"Yes.... M'lady"
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
I thought that Victoria's faithful first mate, 2458, needed some love. Robot love you understand - nothing strange :)
This panel I think shows 2458's softer side - opening a door for a lady!
"Yes.... M'lady"
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Monday, 14 November 2011
Batman - splash page 1
Fresh on the heels of my last post - I have just completed a Batman piece.
I will be returning to the Gears of War theme soon as well as some Halo as well!
In the meantime here is the latest...
Batman - Night Sky
I will be returning to the Gears of War theme soon as well as some Halo as well!
In the meantime here is the latest...
Batman - Night Sky
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Gears of war - splash page 1
Ok... I thought I'd start doing some new splash page /pinup art and decided to start with some Gears of War characters.
I'll also be doing some super hero and sci-fi pieces along the way.
When I'm in the middle of book schedules there isn't a lot of time for this sort of thing but I feel I must try to make time so I can draw lots of varied characters and scenes.
So first off is Theron Unmasked from Gears of War.
I'll also be doing some super hero and sci-fi pieces along the way.
When I'm in the middle of book schedules there isn't a lot of time for this sort of thing but I feel I must try to make time so I can draw lots of varied characters and scenes.
So first off is Theron Unmasked from Gears of War.
Friday, 11 November 2011
Pick of the week No 29
Color makes such a difference to pages!
It's true that bad inking can ruin good pencils and bad colors can ruin good lines. However no amount of great inks or talented colors can make bad pencils good. All the elements must work in unison - with an equal partnership and responsibilty to create the best page possible!
For a page to shine the line work must be brought to life by the colors... and that is exactly what I've seen Mike Summers do with the colors on Red Angel.
This week I saw the first batch of colors to come back from Mike for issue 3 of the mini-series and it blew me away. Nice one Mike!
So this week's Pick is a whole page that is showing straight forward line work PLUS mikes colors. I really want to do a 'scamp-to-final-page' study at some point but I'm waiting for the right example. In the meantime enjoy Mike's color work and look forward to seeing issue 3 :)
On a related note we have, this week, teamed up with Shel Dorf Award winner Jeff Balke who will be producing the colors for a Red Angel cover variant for Issue 4!
I'm seriously looking forward to seeing what he does with my line work!
So here this weeks pic...
"There will be a large explosion!"
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
It's true that bad inking can ruin good pencils and bad colors can ruin good lines. However no amount of great inks or talented colors can make bad pencils good. All the elements must work in unison - with an equal partnership and responsibilty to create the best page possible!
For a page to shine the line work must be brought to life by the colors... and that is exactly what I've seen Mike Summers do with the colors on Red Angel.
This week I saw the first batch of colors to come back from Mike for issue 3 of the mini-series and it blew me away. Nice one Mike!
So this week's Pick is a whole page that is showing straight forward line work PLUS mikes colors. I really want to do a 'scamp-to-final-page' study at some point but I'm waiting for the right example. In the meantime enjoy Mike's color work and look forward to seeing issue 3 :)
On a related note we have, this week, teamed up with Shel Dorf Award winner Jeff Balke who will be producing the colors for a Red Angel cover variant for Issue 4!
I'm seriously looking forward to seeing what he does with my line work!
So here this weeks pic...
"There will be a large explosion!"
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Friday, 28 October 2011
Pick of the week No 28
Not a lot going on this week for kre8uk. Not to say it wasn't mega busy.
My head was down all week with Red Angel Mini Series issue 4, a panel of which is on the pick this week!
This panel gives away no story but shows Victoria and 2458 on the bridge communicating with.. someone :)
so here it is...
"Yes and can we have extra toppings on that?"
Red Angel issue 1 is now available for Nook at http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Red-Angel-1/Erin-Pyne/e/2940013230699 and for Kindle at http://www.amazon.com/Red-Angel-ebook/dp/B005UE5402/ref=sr_1_5?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1318414083. Hard copy of Issues 1 and 2 and a preorder on 3 can be found on the What The Flux webstore - http://whatthefluxcomics.com/webstore.php
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
My head was down all week with Red Angel Mini Series issue 4, a panel of which is on the pick this week!
This panel gives away no story but shows Victoria and 2458 on the bridge communicating with.. someone :)
so here it is...
"Yes and can we have extra toppings on that?"
Red Angel issue 1 is now available for Nook at http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Red-Angel-1/Erin-Pyne/e/2940013230699 and for Kindle at http://www.amazon.com/Red-Angel-ebook/dp/B005UE5402/ref=sr_1_5?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1318414083. Hard copy of Issues 1 and 2 and a preorder on 3 can be found on the What The Flux webstore - http://whatthefluxcomics.com/webstore.php
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Friday, 21 October 2011
Pick of the week No 27
Finally Red Angel 4 gets a full production start this week! So this weeks pick is a panel from issue 4.
We have a new character which is based on actress Diana Laura battling it out with our resident beauty Amy Vitale (Victoria Angel)! You can find out more about Amy on her facebook profile https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1491905021 and more about Diana on her facebook page https://www.facebook.com/DianaLauraGonzalez.
Red Angel issue 1 is now available for Nook at http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Red-Angel-1/Erin-Pyne/e/2940013230699 and for Kindle at http://www.amazon.com/Red-Angel-ebook/dp/B005UE5402/ref=sr_1_5?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1318414083. Hard copy of Issues 1 and 2 and a preorder on 3 can be found on the What The Flux webstore - http://whatthefluxcomics.com/webstore.php
Alright everyone... just calm down!
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
We have a new character which is based on actress Diana Laura battling it out with our resident beauty Amy Vitale (Victoria Angel)! You can find out more about Amy on her facebook profile https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1491905021 and more about Diana on her facebook page https://www.facebook.com/DianaLauraGonzalez.
Red Angel issue 1 is now available for Nook at http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Red-Angel-1/Erin-Pyne/e/2940013230699 and for Kindle at http://www.amazon.com/Red-Angel-ebook/dp/B005UE5402/ref=sr_1_5?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1318414083. Hard copy of Issues 1 and 2 and a preorder on 3 can be found on the What The Flux webstore - http://whatthefluxcomics.com/webstore.php
Alright everyone... just calm down!
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Friday, 14 October 2011
Pick of the week No 26
Seemed to be very busy this week without actually getting much drawing done!
Red Angel issue 4 is in the works which I was hoping to show a panel from this week. However there was so much else going on that things got moved on a few days.
I got a great gig from Ashdown Engineering this week. Been doing some work with Dan on the packaging and marketing and will have something to put up soon. They produce quality equipment and have some amazing names using their stuff!.
Been doing web work and book covers as well this week most of which will become public soon!
So to the pick this week. It's actually something I meant to put up a couple of weeks ago to coincide with the Gears Of War 3 launch on xbox! In 2006 I was fortunate enough to win a competition place at the Xbox Epic Studios tour and Gears Of War1 preview event. It was great fun and I made a friend for life there as well.
The competition asked for entrants to design a new Locust creature for the horde and this is my entry.
So here it is. Gears Of War players out there may recognise some of it's characteristics from new enemies introduced in Gears 2. Completely incidental I'm sure :)
I don't think he's had his tea yet :)
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Red Angel issue 4 is in the works which I was hoping to show a panel from this week. However there was so much else going on that things got moved on a few days.
I got a great gig from Ashdown Engineering this week. Been doing some work with Dan on the packaging and marketing and will have something to put up soon. They produce quality equipment and have some amazing names using their stuff!.
Been doing web work and book covers as well this week most of which will become public soon!
So to the pick this week. It's actually something I meant to put up a couple of weeks ago to coincide with the Gears Of War 3 launch on xbox! In 2006 I was fortunate enough to win a competition place at the Xbox Epic Studios tour and Gears Of War1 preview event. It was great fun and I made a friend for life there as well.
The competition asked for entrants to design a new Locust creature for the horde and this is my entry.
So here it is. Gears Of War players out there may recognise some of it's characteristics from new enemies introduced in Gears 2. Completely incidental I'm sure :)
I don't think he's had his tea yet :)
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Friday, 7 October 2011
Pick of the week No 25
So... this week sees the first digital release of Red Angel issue 1 of the 4 issue mini-series on Barnes and Nobels site. It can be found at http://search.barnesandnoble.com/books/e/2940013230699.
The final issue in the mini-series is in production now and soon to follow on it's tail will be the full blown production of the monthly series.
There will be a complete set reprinted as a trade paperback as well as several other digital platform outlets to get hold of the books both mini-series and monthly in 2012.
So as this weeks pick I thought I'd pop up the line work for 1 of 2 cover variants for issue 4. The second variant will be a wraparound cover just like issue 1 and all of them will make an appearance in the trade paperback planned for later this year.
"oooo those swords look sharp. careful girls!"
Oh and yes there is an new character on the cover - you'll need to get the issue to find out the details. Erin Pyne is writing a stonking story and I can't wait to get my teeth into the monthly. Nuff said!
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
The final issue in the mini-series is in production now and soon to follow on it's tail will be the full blown production of the monthly series.
There will be a complete set reprinted as a trade paperback as well as several other digital platform outlets to get hold of the books both mini-series and monthly in 2012.
So as this weeks pick I thought I'd pop up the line work for 1 of 2 cover variants for issue 4. The second variant will be a wraparound cover just like issue 1 and all of them will make an appearance in the trade paperback planned for later this year.
"oooo those swords look sharp. careful girls!"
Oh and yes there is an new character on the cover - you'll need to get the issue to find out the details. Erin Pyne is writing a stonking story and I can't wait to get my teeth into the monthly. Nuff said!
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Pick of the week No 24
Ok this week and last week has been majorly weird.
Perhaps it's Comet Elenin or the coming of the Age of Aquarius - then again it just might be people making my life weirder than it needs to be! We are a funny lot and we say and do some very odd things. Some of which seemed to pass my way over the last two weeks!
One of the few individuals who doesn't make my life weird is the ever dependable Rusty Gilligan - thanks for the help this week man! Rusty's blog is at http://www.rustygilligan.blogspot.com/.
However I digress - this is an art post not a RANT :)
Been doing some advertising and POS illustration this week waiting for Red Angel issue 4 script from the lovely Erin Pyne.
I now have it in my grubby mits and it's looking great - so on with the artwork for that next week.
In the meantime...
I will in time upload the advertising material and also some book covers I've been asked to do (shout out to Jon Hart there!). But for now here are some panels I did from some submission art I did last year - Judge Dredd!
Grrrr he's so manly !!
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Perhaps it's Comet Elenin or the coming of the Age of Aquarius - then again it just might be people making my life weirder than it needs to be! We are a funny lot and we say and do some very odd things. Some of which seemed to pass my way over the last two weeks!
One of the few individuals who doesn't make my life weird is the ever dependable Rusty Gilligan - thanks for the help this week man! Rusty's blog is at http://www.rustygilligan.blogspot.com/.
However I digress - this is an art post not a RANT :)
Been doing some advertising and POS illustration this week waiting for Red Angel issue 4 script from the lovely Erin Pyne.
I now have it in my grubby mits and it's looking great - so on with the artwork for that next week.
In the meantime...
I will in time upload the advertising material and also some book covers I've been asked to do (shout out to Jon Hart there!). But for now here are some panels I did from some submission art I did last year - Judge Dredd!
Grrrr he's so manly !!
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Friday, 16 September 2011
Pick of the week No 23
This week saw the completion of line work on Red Angel #3 - I think it included some of my best work to date to be honest - I'm extremely pleased with the way the series is developing visually. Of course it goes without saying that the story Erin is writing is pumping itself up to a corking conclusion in issue #4 of the mini series and keeping readers gripped and entertained the whole time. This will lead the story into the planned monthly series next year!
If you want to get involved in that you can be part of the production by contributing at http://www.indiegogo.com/Red-Angel-Comic-Book-Series
Something special that will be happening for issue #3, after the collectors cards on isse#2, is a VERY special guest inker has worked on a cover variant for us.
Along with the standard fare from myself...
... we have also had the honour of having Rusty Gilligan (comic veteran, talented inker and all round great guy!) inking the cover variant below.
So this weeks pick is Rustys inks on my pencils and a wonderfull cover variant!
To find out more about Rusty you can visit his blog at http://rustygilligan.blogspot.com/. You can also get to know some detail about his upcoming title Mac & Trouble there, which will be published by What The Flux Comics.
Both covers have been fantastically coloured by the very talented Andrea Celestini.
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
If you want to get involved in that you can be part of the production by contributing at http://www.indiegogo.com/Red-Angel-Comic-Book-Series
Something special that will be happening for issue #3, after the collectors cards on isse#2, is a VERY special guest inker has worked on a cover variant for us.
Along with the standard fare from myself...
... we have also had the honour of having Rusty Gilligan (comic veteran, talented inker and all round great guy!) inking the cover variant below.
So this weeks pick is Rustys inks on my pencils and a wonderfull cover variant!
To find out more about Rusty you can visit his blog at http://rustygilligan.blogspot.com/. You can also get to know some detail about his upcoming title Mac & Trouble there, which will be published by What The Flux Comics.
Both covers have been fantastically coloured by the very talented Andrea Celestini.
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Friday, 9 September 2011
Pick of the week No 22
Great week :)
Been working with BBblackDog on their second album cover and finishing off Red Angel 3.
Thought I'd post up something different this week. So instead of a panel here is a Judge Dredd poster I did for fun!
Ooo best not upset him!
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Been working with BBblackDog on their second album cover and finishing off Red Angel 3.
Thought I'd post up something different this week. So instead of a panel here is a Judge Dredd poster I did for fun!
Ooo best not upset him!
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Friday, 2 September 2011
Pick of the week No 21
So this week Red Angel #2 has gone to print and Red Angel #3 is only 5 pages away from finished line work.
Realy enjoying the work on Red angel and the book is getting great reviews.!!!
I'm going to be a bit more restrictive on showing unpublished panels from now on - especialy if we get to turn the book in to a monthly.
So a little preview in this weeks pic. It won't give away any story but it was fun to draw
ooooh.... isn't everyone excited. Perhaps England have scored! More likely to be a penny off petrol though.
Red Angel is on sale at http://whatthefluxcomics.com/webstore.php as well as multiple outlets and comic shops. You can also find out more at facebook page The-Red-Angel-Comic-Series and facebook page Red-Angel-Flight-Crew.
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Realy enjoying the work on Red angel and the book is getting great reviews.!!!
I'm going to be a bit more restrictive on showing unpublished panels from now on - especialy if we get to turn the book in to a monthly.
So a little preview in this weeks pic. It won't give away any story but it was fun to draw
ooooh.... isn't everyone excited. Perhaps England have scored! More likely to be a penny off petrol though.
Red Angel is on sale at http://whatthefluxcomics.com/webstore.php as well as multiple outlets and comic shops. You can also find out more at facebook page The-Red-Angel-Comic-Series and facebook page Red-Angel-Flight-Crew.
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Thursday, 1 September 2011
Red Angel issue 2 gets 5 out of 5
Invest comics' Robert McClelland has written a glowing review of Red Angel 2 saying...
"And we’re off with the second issue of the beautiful comic Red Angel! Featuring an excellent cover with our Lady and the Firebrand’s Captain surrounded by menacing Robots! Can’t get a better cover then that! Russ Leach’s art and Miss Pyne’s writing both continue to be pretty amazing in the second issue."
Praise indeed!
Read the full review at http://investcomics.com/features/investcomics-comic-book-reviews-8-31-11
"And we’re off with the second issue of the beautiful comic Red Angel! Featuring an excellent cover with our Lady and the Firebrand’s Captain surrounded by menacing Robots! Can’t get a better cover then that! Russ Leach’s art and Miss Pyne’s writing both continue to be pretty amazing in the second issue."
Praise indeed!
Read the full review at http://investcomics.com/features/investcomics-comic-book-reviews-8-31-11
Friday, 26 August 2011
Pick of the week No 20
This week's choice was a no-brainer for me.
Red ANgel #2 will have a set of collectors cards as part of a package and several artists are contributing.. including What The Flux's CEO and Red ANgel co-creator - Larry Jarrell
My offering is a pair of Victorias in different costume. I added one of them below - the other is top secret for now :)
Red Angel is on sale at http://whatthefluxcomics.com/webstore.php as well as multiple outlets and comic shops. You can also find out more at facebook page The-Red-Angel-Comic-Series and facebook page Red-Angel-Flight-Crew.
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Red ANgel #2 will have a set of collectors cards as part of a package and several artists are contributing.. including What The Flux's CEO and Red ANgel co-creator - Larry Jarrell
My offering is a pair of Victorias in different costume. I added one of them below - the other is top secret for now :)
Red Angel is on sale at http://whatthefluxcomics.com/webstore.php as well as multiple outlets and comic shops. You can also find out more at facebook page The-Red-Angel-Comic-Series and facebook page Red-Angel-Flight-Crew.
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
Club Batman Exhibition
Just finished a piece for Club Batman in Spain who are holding an exhibition in early September.
You can go see previews of the fantastic art they have on show, including some by the great Norm Breyfogle, here http://batmancomicart.blogspot.com/ and here http://www.facebook.com/ClubBatmanSpain
You can go see previews of the fantastic art they have on show, including some by the great Norm Breyfogle, here http://batmancomicart.blogspot.com/ and here http://www.facebook.com/ClubBatmanSpain
Monday, 22 August 2011
Red Angel #2 gone gold
The colours are done and it's just the final tweaks before print. Red ANgel #2 will see publication in the next week and below is the finalised cover minus the pricing.
Great work on the colours by Katt Diaz!
pick up a copy at
Great work on the colours by Katt Diaz!
pick up a copy at
Thursday, 18 August 2011
Red Angel 2 Colours complete
Just had to share some of this.
Mike Summers - iccwnetwork profile - has done a great job on the Red Angel colours. I've just eyeballed them all as a set this morning and I was majorly impressed.
So much so that I thought I'd put a quick progression to show the process
I'll do another soon with text as wll hopefully to show the beginning to end
pick up a copy at http://whatthefluxcomics.com/webstore.php
Mike Summers - iccwnetwork profile - has done a great job on the Red Angel colours. I've just eyeballed them all as a set this morning and I was majorly impressed.
So much so that I thought I'd put a quick progression to show the process
I'll do another soon with text as wll hopefully to show the beginning to end
pick up a copy at http://whatthefluxcomics.com/webstore.php
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Pick of the week No 19... ish
Ok back from vacation - and no I didn't start the riot or get anything decent in the electrical store.
But I did relax with my family and now I'm back and energised.
Red Angel has been getting some great press recently and issue 2 is close to completion. Issue 3 is also underway and so I thought I'd share a panel with everyone.
The spiders are coming but Briggs has aweapon.
"OOh that's a big one!"
Red Angel is on sale at http://whatthefluxcomics.com/webstore.php as well as multiple outlets and comic shops. You can also find out more at facebook page The-Red-Angel-Comic-Series and facebook page Red-Angel-Flight-Crew.
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
But I did relax with my family and now I'm back and energised.
Red Angel has been getting some great press recently and issue 2 is close to completion. Issue 3 is also underway and so I thought I'd share a panel with everyone.
The spiders are coming but Briggs has aweapon.
"OOh that's a big one!"
Red Angel is on sale at http://whatthefluxcomics.com/webstore.php as well as multiple outlets and comic shops. You can also find out more at facebook page The-Red-Angel-Comic-Series and facebook page Red-Angel-Flight-Crew.
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Friday, 5 August 2011
Pick of the week No 18
Well... what a week.
My wacom tablet has given me hell this week, I may have to replace it. :(
Curse it though I have, it is still a most wonderful tool and I have been able to produce my best artwork on it.
In fact I've had great fun with issue 3 of Red Angel this week (inbetween driver hell and hardware failures).
But instead of a finished piece from that book (which I will post in the coming weeks), I thought I'd pop up something a little rougher.
Matt Adams approached me recently to look at working on a project for the new site CreatorSafe. It sounded extremely interesting and I put together some character roughs.
The image below is the first of the designs and is of Matts imaginative interpretation of Thor for the NMP project that will see it's release on CreatorSafe later this year.
So here's the sketch...
Wow take a look at the size of his Wammer!
You can find out more about Matt Adams at http://livinginthemortalworld.blogspot.com/?zx=c7bb3438e9bb6e2c and CreatorSafe at http://www.creatorsafe.com
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
My wacom tablet has given me hell this week, I may have to replace it. :(
Curse it though I have, it is still a most wonderful tool and I have been able to produce my best artwork on it.
In fact I've had great fun with issue 3 of Red Angel this week (inbetween driver hell and hardware failures).
But instead of a finished piece from that book (which I will post in the coming weeks), I thought I'd pop up something a little rougher.
Matt Adams approached me recently to look at working on a project for the new site CreatorSafe. It sounded extremely interesting and I put together some character roughs.
The image below is the first of the designs and is of Matts imaginative interpretation of Thor for the NMP project that will see it's release on CreatorSafe later this year.
So here's the sketch...
Wow take a look at the size of his Wammer!
You can find out more about Matt Adams at http://livinginthemortalworld.blogspot.com/?zx=c7bb3438e9bb6e2c and CreatorSafe at http://www.creatorsafe.com
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Saturday, 30 July 2011
BBBlackDog Graphic Novel - Comic Short
Dale Rowles, lead base player and thoroughly nice bloke, from the magnificent steam punk rock band BBBlackDog, approached me about production of their next album's cover artwork and a related comic book to go with it.
I of course jumped at the chance :)
The work is scheduled to be completed around the end 2011 / early 2012, but in the meantime here is the first stab at the character roster.
Colour version soon - and updated depending on the bands input....
visit the bands facebook profile at http://www.facebook.com/BBBLACKDOG
Pick of the week No 17
Pick of the week went on hiatus last week. This was mainly due to my Wacom tablet giving me some driver woes :(
But that's all sorted now and I can show the panel I wanted to.
I have teamed up with a very talented writer Alex Williams for a single page story 'Pale Horse'.
The piece was for a worthy cause over at Invest Comics. Their CBLDF fund raiser book 'One And Done' will feature single page stories about Death. Sounds a bit depressing but... writers like Alex can turn this to their advantage and create magical tales.
You can find out more about the project at...
Bless... Death looks happy today :)
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
But that's all sorted now and I can show the panel I wanted to.
I have teamed up with a very talented writer Alex Williams for a single page story 'Pale Horse'.
The piece was for a worthy cause over at Invest Comics. Their CBLDF fund raiser book 'One And Done' will feature single page stories about Death. Sounds a bit depressing but... writers like Alex can turn this to their advantage and create magical tales.
You can find out more about the project at...
Bless... Death looks happy today :)
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Friday, 15 July 2011
Pick of the week No 16
Once again another week has passed insanely fast! But it has been a great week.
And this weeks activities are indeed linked to the pick of the week.
Red Angel issue 3 is now underway and the I pencilled the cover so that a very special guest inker could grace us with his expertise.
Rusty Gilligan who has worked on too numerous a number of amazing titles for me to list here, will be inking RA3 front cover. So for this weeks pic it's gonna be the blue line version and next week I'll upload Rusty's finished inks.
What a treat :)
Red Angel #1 is on sale at www.whatthefluxcomics.com and Red Angel #2 is available on Pre-order.
Rusty's blog can be read here http://www.comicbookpro.com
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
And this weeks activities are indeed linked to the pick of the week.
Red Angel issue 3 is now underway and the I pencilled the cover so that a very special guest inker could grace us with his expertise.
Rusty Gilligan who has worked on too numerous a number of amazing titles for me to list here, will be inking RA3 front cover. So for this weeks pic it's gonna be the blue line version and next week I'll upload Rusty's finished inks.
What a treat :)
Red Angel #1 is on sale at www.whatthefluxcomics.com and Red Angel #2 is available on Pre-order.
Rusty's blog can be read here http://www.comicbookpro.com
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
The Chronic Argonauts at Detroit Fanfare
The Chronic Argonauts Editor and New Baby's Owner will be at the Detroit Fanfare in September. New Baby will have posters and pre-published first chapter special editions available at the con.
So pay him a visit if you can and see some of The Chronic Argonauts before it's release!
You can find out more at www.detroitfanfare.com/eric-mullarky/ and www.chronicargonauts.com.
So pay him a visit if you can and see some of The Chronic Argonauts before it's release!
You can find out more at www.detroitfanfare.com/eric-mullarky/ and www.chronicargonauts.com.
Friday, 8 July 2011
Pick of the week No 15
Another week rolls by and this time it heralds the end of my line work contribution to Red Angel issue #2. I now have a script for issue 3 in the mini series and am thouroughly enjoying the trip:) - So for this weeks pic it's a panel from the final page of issue 2.
What are they all so perplexed about?
Best start collecting the series to find out :)
Red Angel #1 is on sale at www.whatthefluxcomics.com and Red Angel #2 is available on Pre-order.
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
What are they all so perplexed about?
Best start collecting the series to find out :)
Red Angel #1 is on sale at www.whatthefluxcomics.com and Red Angel #2 is available on Pre-order.
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Friday, 1 July 2011
Pick of the week No 14
Well the week just flew by and it's been all about the Red Angel series.
Line work for issue #2 will be completely finished in the next couple of days and then it's on to finishing the series with issues #3 and #4 - really looking forward to the art work on that :)
In the meantime this weeks panel is a speacial - it's three panels!
From issue #2 - it looks like the robots are waking up!
Find out more about Red Angel and what the flux comics at
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Line work for issue #2 will be completely finished in the next couple of days and then it's on to finishing the series with issues #3 and #4 - really looking forward to the art work on that :)
In the meantime this weeks panel is a speacial - it's three panels!
From issue #2 - it looks like the robots are waking up!
Find out more about Red Angel and what the flux comics at
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Friday, 24 June 2011
Pick of the week No 13
sniff - wipes a tear from his eye.
As foretold last week I am indeed on the very last page of line work for the Chronic Argonauts graphic novel - and it's a bit sad :(
On the upside - the colour work and lettering is looking fantastic and Eric has signed up with a seriously impressive Literary agent. So fingers crossed for a great publisher - and fingers even more crossed I get to do a second book :)
In the meantime... this won't be the last panel I post but it is the last panel I post whilst in production. I'll miss you guys... until you return.
More information about 'The Chronic Argoauts' can be found at http://www.chronicargonauts.com
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
As foretold last week I am indeed on the very last page of line work for the Chronic Argonauts graphic novel - and it's a bit sad :(
On the upside - the colour work and lettering is looking fantastic and Eric has signed up with a seriously impressive Literary agent. So fingers crossed for a great publisher - and fingers even more crossed I get to do a second book :)
In the meantime... this won't be the last panel I post but it is the last panel I post whilst in production. I'll miss you guys... until you return.
More information about 'The Chronic Argoauts' can be found at http://www.chronicargonauts.com
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Friday, 17 June 2011
Pick of the week No 12
Well it's all getting a bit emotional for me this week. You see next week will see the final pages of linework for "The Chronic Argonauts" graphic novel. Although I will continue to work on expanding it with Eric Mullarky as a property my part of the artwork will be complete.
So this weeks pick of the week is a panel from part two where two of the main characters have their first, rather awkward meeting.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Eric for an extremely well crafted project. Working with him has been a delight and I hope to continue working with him and the Chronic Argonaut property for a long time. Also I'd like to heap well deserved praise on the other members of our creative team.
Jason Quinns writing has been brilliant. From the plot and character development right down to his script writing abilities and how that has helped the art process. Thanks Jason! I hope to be working more with Jason as well.
Colour wise Tyler Smith has done a fantastic job of bringing the linework to life. Last but definately not least, Charles Pritchetts work on the lettering has added a really slick finish to the final product.
That's enough babbling from me... here's the panel.
More information about 'The Chronic Argoauts' can be found at http://www.chronicargonauts.com
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
So this weeks pick of the week is a panel from part two where two of the main characters have their first, rather awkward meeting.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Eric for an extremely well crafted project. Working with him has been a delight and I hope to continue working with him and the Chronic Argonaut property for a long time. Also I'd like to heap well deserved praise on the other members of our creative team.
Jason Quinns writing has been brilliant. From the plot and character development right down to his script writing abilities and how that has helped the art process. Thanks Jason! I hope to be working more with Jason as well.
Colour wise Tyler Smith has done a fantastic job of bringing the linework to life. Last but definately not least, Charles Pritchetts work on the lettering has added a really slick finish to the final product.
That's enough babbling from me... here's the panel.
More information about 'The Chronic Argoauts' can be found at http://www.chronicargonauts.com
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Friday, 10 June 2011
Pick of the week No 11
Wow that week just flew by!
Gonna use something from a very recent page this week.
Neb and Cookie look on awestruck as a character is removed from existence right in front of their eyes! No more info than that I'm afraid as the book is close to a finish now and will be published soon :)
"Where on earth did they go?"
More information about 'The Chronic Argoauts' can be found at http://www.chronicargonauts.com
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Gonna use something from a very recent page this week.
Neb and Cookie look on awestruck as a character is removed from existence right in front of their eyes! No more info than that I'm afraid as the book is close to a finish now and will be published soon :)
"Where on earth did they go?"
More information about 'The Chronic Argoauts' can be found at http://www.chronicargonauts.com
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Monday, 6 June 2011
The Chronic Argonauts Teaser Trailer
A great guy called Jonny Ledford got me in touch with a friend of his. The very talented Rob Ridenour. You see we wanted to make a trailer for the graphic novel for various uses and Rob did us proud (thanks Rob).
For all those steam punkers and sci-fi lovers out there this is the grandaddy of all time travel tales. 120 years after the master of science fiction H.G. Wells penned the short story and now New Baby Productions has filled in the gaps and vastly expanded upon the original premise.
You can see the trailer on www.kre8uk.net or alternatively it will be up soon at www.chronicargonauts.com and of course right here at the kre8uk production blog.
We hope this taster gets the pulse racing and whets the appetite for the release sometime in the late summer 2011.
For all those steam punkers and sci-fi lovers out there this is the grandaddy of all time travel tales. 120 years after the master of science fiction H.G. Wells penned the short story and now New Baby Productions has filled in the gaps and vastly expanded upon the original premise.
You can see the trailer on www.kre8uk.net or alternatively it will be up soon at www.chronicargonauts.com and of course right here at the kre8uk production blog.
We hope this taster gets the pulse racing and whets the appetite for the release sometime in the late summer 2011.
Friday, 3 June 2011
Pick of the week No 10
This week I had the great honour of being able to draw some lines for Rusty Gilligan on his new strip 'Mac And Trouble'
He has also asked me to work on a sketch card set which I may post with his permission at some time in the future.
This weeks pick is just a portion of the page I produced as I wouldn't want to give too much away prior to Rusty inking the piece.
Great characters and fun to draw - thanks Rusty!
You can see more at http://www.comicbookpro.com
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
He has also asked me to work on a sketch card set which I may post with his permission at some time in the future.
This weeks pick is just a portion of the page I produced as I wouldn't want to give too much away prior to Rusty inking the piece.
Great characters and fun to draw - thanks Rusty!
You can see more at http://www.comicbookpro.com
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Friday, 27 May 2011
Pick of the week No 9
It's that time again. Had some fun on Red Angel issue 2 this week so I thought I'd share.
"Ooo look at all the toys"
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
"Ooo look at all the toys"
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Saturday, 21 May 2011
Pick of the week No 8
This week I've chosen a classic eye shot! Our hero from The Chronic Argonauts - The Reverend Cook - Has woken with a start and stares in mild shock :)
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Friday, 13 May 2011
Pick of the week No 7
Just couldn't resist putting two panels up this week. I've had fun drawing this week and thank my good fortune to be involved in some great projects at the moment.
So first up is Red Angel #2 - 2458 is watching - so no funny business! find out more at www.whatthefluxcomics.com
Next up is a panel from The Chronic Argonauts chapter 4 - "It was him! not me" or something like that :) more info at the CA website www.chronicargonauts.com
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
So first up is Red Angel #2 - 2458 is watching - so no funny business! find out more at www.whatthefluxcomics.com
Next up is a panel from The Chronic Argonauts chapter 4 - "It was him! not me" or something like that :) more info at the CA website www.chronicargonauts.com
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Friday, 6 May 2011
Pick of the week No 6
A new computer on it's way and the substitute has done me a grand job in the meantime.
Pick of the week 6 is giving some love to Red Angel #2 this week. A touching scene of Victoria comforting her sister whilst on the run from those dratted machines!
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Pick of the week 6 is giving some love to Red Angel #2 this week. A touching scene of Victoria comforting her sister whilst on the run from those dratted machines!
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Pick of the week No 4 AND 5
OK last weekend my production computer died... R.I.P.
That meant no blog update and also some truths about all our friends Adobe. I just want to use CS2 guys :(
Anyways it looks like when the new machine turns up I'll be all CS5'd up!
So... this weeks pick gets two entries to catch up.
First from The Chronic Argonauts (www.chronicargonauts.com) we have the main bad guy doing his thing and sporting some new threads. Also in the background is a clue to another major player in the story.
And secondly from Red Angel #2 we have a slumbering Victoria Angel taking some deserved R&R.
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
That meant no blog update and also some truths about all our friends Adobe. I just want to use CS2 guys :(
Anyways it looks like when the new machine turns up I'll be all CS5'd up!
So... this weeks pick gets two entries to catch up.
First from The Chronic Argonauts (www.chronicargonauts.com) we have the main bad guy doing his thing and sporting some new threads. Also in the background is a clue to another major player in the story.
And secondly from Red Angel #2 we have a slumbering Victoria Angel taking some deserved R&R.
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Thursday, 14 April 2011
Pick of the week No 3
Ok lots going on but not enough happening this week. Cryptic but true. I thought I'd do something different and give 'SeventyTwo' some love this week.
It's my great hope to be able to fund and publish this graphic novel someday. In the meantime the zombies aren't looking for cornflakes :)
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)

It's my great hope to be able to fund and publish this graphic novel someday. In the meantime the zombies aren't looking for cornflakes :)
NB: Pick of the week artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)

Friday, 8 April 2011
Pick of the week
Ok this week I've chosen a panel from The Chronic Argonauts part2. The doctor is in the house and he has something for you :)
More can be found out about 'The Chronic Argonauts' graphic novel at http://www.chronicargonauts.com
More can be found out about 'The Chronic Argonauts' graphic novel at http://www.chronicargonauts.com
NB: Artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
Friday, 1 April 2011
Kre8uk - pick of the week
Ok... I've decided to pop up a piece of art or a single panel once a week ( approx :) ).
I've worked on some sample stuff this week as well as continuing production on Red Angel #2 and The Chronic Argonauts. I wouldn't normally put up full finished pages until the books are finished but the odd full page will appear to whet the appetites of any potential readers.
Artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
As this is the first week I thought I'd start with a full page. Not only that but a full page from both of the current titles I'm working on.
So here they are hope all who view the blog like them :)
I've worked on some sample stuff this week as well as continuing production on Red Angel #2 and The Chronic Argonauts. I wouldn't normally put up full finished pages until the books are finished but the odd full page will appear to whet the appetites of any potential readers.
Artwork won't always be finished. Sometimes it will be completely reworked. The art that is posted will simply be something that's caught my eye that week from current work or even old stuff I might have pulled out for some obscure reason :)
As this is the first week I thought I'd start with a full page. Not only that but a full page from both of the current titles I'm working on.
So here they are hope all who view the blog like them :)
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
The Chronic Argonauts
Kre8uk (Russ Leach) is proud to be working with the very talented team of Eric Mullarky, Jason Quinn, Tyler Smith and Charles Pritchett on New Baby Productions latest graphic novel the Chronis Argonauts.
New Baby has made the official announcement and sample artwork will be posted at intervals to whet the appetite.
The Chronic Argonauts website can be viewed here http://www.ChronicArgonauts.co m/ - The full Press release can be seen here http://www.newbabyproductions. com/forums/blog.php/?p=277.
Saturday, 19 March 2011
Kicking and screaming
Ok I've decided to let myself be dragged kicking and screaming into the world of blogging.
It's not going to be regular, or clever. But it will be a record of how kre8uk production is going and what kind of projects are flying through the kre8uk studio.
Currently kre8uk is working with several publishers and studios. Seeing as this is the first entry I suppose it's best to list em all down and see where it goes from there :)
Red Angel issue #1 (published by what the flux comics)
This is a MegaCon exclusive and is getting some steam under its' hat. This issue is at the printers now and also has some sketch cover versions available as well as a limited edition wraparound cover version for the con. Great fun producing this and a big shout out to Larry at WTFC for believing in my abaility to prodcue the book.
Red Angel issue #2 (published by what the flux comics)
Cover artwork is done for this and internal pages are in production
H.G.Wells graphic novel (title to be announced very soon published by New Baby Productions)
Part 1 is coloured and lettered, part 2 is inked, part 3 is on my board right now and the cover is done. Expect an announcement and the website to go live this week!
Other projects
Ok plenty of other stuff going on
www.comixwellspring.com - website created for Larry Jarrell over at whatthefluxmedia.com
www.facepalmcomic.com - website ind development
Jason Quinn (writer for H.G.Wells GN) partnership for new UK graphic novel submissions
Mortal World Entertainment - partnership for Image Comics submission
Well that's about all I can think of for now... I'm looking forward to the next blog when I can talk more about the New Baby project and maybe slip some personal comment in as well.
Russ Leach
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